We have designed our web site with your interests in mind. We hope you will find it easy to use and full of helpful information.
We are dedicated to selling your home or finding that new home you may be searching for. You are invited to browse our website and contact us with any questions you may have about buying or selling a home.
Selling your home?
Check out our 'Sellers' page for lots of great information and more details about our marketing plan! Choosing the right realtor can be one of the most important decisions of the selling process - click on our 'Testimonials' page to find out more about us, our professional accomplishments and how we run our business!
Buying a home?
We know how frustrating it can sometimes be to try and find your perfect new home. Over the years we have helped 100's of people do just that. We have helped clients with all kinds of different criteria:
- first time buyers looking for properties under $100,000,
- families who are looking for something a little bigger
- families who want to downsize
- investors searching for sound, long-term investments
- executive homes for more than a million dollars!
Click on our "Buying" page for more in-depth information. It links to every property that is for sale in Greater Vancouver, all of B.C., and all of Canada! |